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Ermioni's bio

Various paintings of Ermioni's belong to unique private collections that have been displayed in countries across the world such as the UK, France, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Switzerland the United States and Cyprus and in the halls of landmark buildings and institutions such as banks, Chilham Castle in England, the Greek Orthodox Bishopric in Brussels and the National Gallery of Cyprus



Biographical Chronology

1958 - Born on then 30th of October in Nicosia.
1978 - Studied Art and Design (Painting) at the then Chelsea School of Art in London 1981 - Graduated with honors.
1983 - In June, her work won the first prize Harold Workman Award at the exhibition by the United Artists of the Federation of British Artists.
1984 - Was a finalist for the Windsor & Newton Young Artist Award Scheme at the 1985 Royal Institute of Oil Painters (ROI) exhibition for two consecutive years.

1990 - Returned to Cyprus and begun exhibiting at the EKATE gallery.
1991- Had her first individual exhibition on the10th January.
 - Began teaching at her studio Art at G.C.S.E level and provides evening classes for mature students.
1993 - Second individual exhibition titled “Light and Life” was on the 5th of May, most of her work was sold.
1994 - Participated in the French annual international exhibition Grand Prix d’Arts Plastiques.
1995 - Third individual exhibition titled “Dancing with Colours” and sold over eighty percent of her works.
1997 - Fourth individual exhibition titled “Moments”.
- Participated in the first Visual Arts Festival of Cyprus.
1999 - Fifth personal exhibition titled “Other Dimension”.
2001 - Sixth personal exhibition titled “3rd Dimension”. Ermioni's work received very good reviews for  its originality of the 3rd dimension and the strength of the work.
- The department of culture bought a piece for the National Gallery of Cyprus.
- The director Mr. Michael Doulgerides of the preservation department of the National Gallery of Greece has spoken highly of her work.
- A painting by her was bought by his eminence the Bishop Ahaias Athanassios and hangs at the Representation of the Church of Greece to the European Union.

2004 - Seventh personal exhibition titled “Beyond Limits” and sold 70% of the paintings.
2008 - Eighth personal exhibition with the title “Prolongations of red”. The exhibition had good reviews especially for the wooden carved prolongations on the paintings.
2013 - On the 22nd of October she had her ninth exhibition titled “Exploring Hands through Art”. The exhibition was opened by His Beatitude the Archbishop of Cyprus Chrysostomos II, who also bought a painting.


Ermioni has also participated in group exhibitions in Cyprus, Greece, France and England. Many articles reviewing her exhibitions and work have been published over the years in many newspapers and magazines.

silent last supper (low res)
Copy of the bow-dancing with colour sm
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